College Conversations

DIALOGUE Teams: How they Work

Dialogue Teams present ADA's "7-minute argument" to pro-choice people on their college campuses. Dialogue Teams are a subgroup within a campus Pro-Life club.


Dialogue Intern is a flexible, part-time job. As a part of their training, Dialogue Interns learn how to teach others our 7-minute argument.


Each Dialogue Intern assembles, trains and leads a Dialogue Team of 10+ dedicated Dialogue Volunteers.

Create Conversations

Each Dialogue Team's goal is to present our persuasive pro-life argument to over 1,000 pro-choice people during a single school year.

Prayer Teams: How they Work

For each Dialogue Volunteer on campus, we aim to have a team of 10 Prayer Volunteers praying for their conversations. Prayer Volunteers provide invaluable emotional support and accountability for our Dialogue Volunteers.

Pray Weekly

Our Dialogue Volunteers commit to having conversations every week, so we ask their Prayer Volunteers to commit to praying for them once a week.

Get Updates

We send out a monthly email update with conversation stories from each Dialogue Volunteer and their special prayer requests for the month.

Attend Events (optional)

We host 3-4 Prayer Team events where Prayer Volunteers can meet other people on their Prayer Team and interact with their Dialogue Volunteer.